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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Immersive Experiences in Smart Spaces

             Chatbots integrated into different chat and voice assistance platforms are changing the way people interact with the digital world, just like virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR). The combination of these technologies will dramatically change our perception of the world that surrounds us by creating smart spaces where more immersive, interactive, and automated experiences can occur for a specific group of people or for defined industry cases.

            The momentum driving digital transformation forward within the technology industry has been building for several years. This shift in how organisations do business will affect every organisation in every sector and there is no sign of it slowing down in 2019. One of the technologies that Gartner has identified as a key trend for 2019 is ‘smart spaces’ – an innovation that will accelerate digital transformation.

               The idea of technology existing beyond a physical notion of a device has been popularised by cloud computing, but Gartner also believes that 2019 will see an increase in the number of autonomous ‘things’, such as robots, drones and vehicles, working together intelligently. Gartner foresees “swarms” of devices collaborating with each other and with humans to automate processes and solve problems.

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